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We live in a time like never before. Technology advances so fast today, that few people can keep up, and anyone over the age of 14 inevitably becomes a late adopter of what was yesteryear’s new technology. YouTube was invented in 2005. Today, 19 years later, a solid Bible commentary is still a rarity on YouTube, despite the fact that there are 2.5 Billion active users on the platform.

Of course, we can never ignore the influence of the Bible Project YouTube Channel which offers animated overviews of every book in the Bible. But there still remains a void when searching YouTube for Bible commentaries.

David Guzik from Enduring Word published his bible commentary in text format on his website. He states that millions of people have used it. He also has the same commentary published in book format, but has said that 97% of those who use his commentary do so via the online version.

But regarding YouTube, did you know that 95% of Gen Z uses YouTube, and 50% of Gen Z have stated they can not live without YouTube?

In my opinion, what’s truly needed on the YouTube platform (but is sorely missing) is a good, solid, well written, easy to understand and effectively communicated Bible commentary.

My desire and goal is to create a chapter by chapter New Testament Bible commentary in video format on YouTube. Furthermore, software currently exists that would allow me to have subtitles available in over 100 languages. My goal is to create a commentary that is for the average person (not a scholarly presentation intended for pastors and other seminary graduates).

I want to communicate the simplicity of the gospel message and the simplicity of faith in Christ by communicating the interpretation of each chapter of the New Testament.

There are 260 chapters in the New Testament. My goal is to create 260 videos, one for each chapter. I believe, (and it is my goal), that I could reach 10 million people with the gospel message over the span of ten years through this video channel once the commentary is completed. To some, that goal may seem flippant, but to those who feel that way, I would counter that you probably still don’t yet understand how big YouTube is. There are individuals on YouTube who have 100 million people watching them daily (not annually, not monthly, but daily).

Now, let’s not kid ourselves, a 53-year-old man monologuing about the Bible is not going to be as entertaining as Katy Perry swinging from vines in the jungle while singing a song about a tiger (4 billion views over 11 years). But keyword research indicates that 250,000 people per month search the internet for Bible Commentaries. That includes everyone in the world, not just the United States. Recalling again that YouTube has 2.5 billion users, it’s safe to assume that a majority of those 250,000 people searching every month for a Bible Commentary would benefit from a video format commentary that has subtitles in their native language.

But here is the problem I face

Whenever I present this goal to any logically minded person, the first piece of advice they are often inclined to give is that I should continue working my career and pursue this “YouTube thing” on the side, as a hobby.

But therein lies the problem that they don’t understand. At this present time, it takes me an hour and a half to edit 3 minutes of video footage (which is actually a little faster than the professional average of an hour and 45 minutes). There are 260 chapters in the New Testament. I plan to make one video for each of those 260 chapters. My videos will be between 5 to 30 minutes in length with the average length being about 15 minutes.

If you take out a calculator; (260 videos x 15 minutes) = 3,900 minutes of video footage. Again, it takes me an hour and a half to edit 3 minutes of video footage, therefore, (3,900 ÷ 3) x 1.5 = 1,950 hours of video editing required to produce a complete New Testament Commentary in video format. But this doesn’t even include the time it takes to actually shoot the videos. That is an additional two hours for each 15-minute video.

So the advice given to me, to do this project as a side hobby works out on a timeline in the following manner:

To pursue this endeavor in my free time, outside of work, family and church, I could probably devote 3 hours per week to the project. Thus, (1,950 ÷ 3) = 650 weeks to complete. 650 weeks = 12.5 years to complete this project working on it as a side hobby.

However, if I had the financial support to be able to work on this project 40 hours per week, that same 12.5 years could be reduced to 12 months. When we include the time required to actually write the commentaries and to shoot the video footage, I’m estimating the project can be completed in a year and a half.

How funding works

As a sole proprietor business owner, I am blessed with the ability to make my own schedule. Currently, (as of the fall of 2024) my wife and I with our two children, have monthly living expenses of $3,500, which when spread out across the number of weekdays in a month, our living expenses equal $175 per 8-hour work day.

Therefore, for every $175 raised through your generous support, I can take a single 8-hour work day and devote it entirely to filming, editing and producing the next chapter in this New Testament Bible Commentary. To complete the project, the total financial needs are $63,000.

To help with this project, please donate. click the link below to donate to this Bible commentary video project. Or if you would rather contact me directly about making a donation, please use the contact form on this website.

Support the New Testament bible Commentary Video channel